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Create social media content easily with these tips and avoid those WTF do i post today moments!

Are you waking up at the start of a work day thinking - ugh what do i even share today?!

I can relate, I often have those moments too - and it's what i do for a living!

Meg on her phone looking at Instagram

Creating content is one thing but having the ideas to even start is a totally different story.

We often over complicate the process thinking it all has to look a certain way or speak a certain message. Whilst this is partially true and important, it isn't as complicated as that.

Keep these tips in mind when you are planning out your ideas and it will help to create your social media content easily whilst keeping everything nicely aligned with your business goals and plans for the month ahead!

Take a look at them here!

If you want to EDUCATE your audience share this kind of content;

  1. How to’s - specific to what you do & how others can do it

  2. Infographics - a nice visual way to do the above!

  3. Myth busting - a great way to create conversation!

  4. Q&A’s - ask you audience to send you questions specific to your business type and answer them!

If you want to INSPIRE your audience share this kind of content;

  1. Quotes - something that inspires you or will inspire others

  2. Personal Stories - social media is social remember, share more about yourself and create trust!

  3. Daily Affirmations

  4. Before & Afters - proof of your work or service!

If you want to ENTERTAIN your audience share this kind of content;

  1. Trend related content - think pop culture, sport, entertainment moments

  2. Funny Meme’s - share your personality and personal lol moment's

  3. Storytelling - go a little deeper with your audience and share more about yourself.

  4. Relatable life moments

If you want to SELL OR PROMOTE to your audience share this kind of content

  1. Testimonials

  2. Case Studies - proof of your product or offer and why it helps solve the problem

  3. Problem Solving stories that solve your audience problems (and trigger those click moments to purchase!)

  4. Your Offer Overviews

Remember with social media to keep it social, we are curious creatures scrolling for multiple reasons at any point in the day.

Be consistent with your posting ( remember 2x a week is a great starting point) and be sure to check in your analytics what is working well and what isn't so great.

If all else fails and your feeling like its in the too hard basket - let's work together to move through those moments and get you creating content with confidence!

I offer 1:1 coaching sessions both online and in person OR have mentoring packages available where we deep dive into you and your business, your goals and keep you accountable to them!

Wishing you an epic week of content producing ahead ;)

Meg x

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